I seldom cook. Biasanya aku cuma memasak bila ada hari penting ataupun nak pergi picnic ke. Ataupun bila aku sudah bosan nak makan masakan kedai. Hehe. the truth is, I love to cook when I'm bored or lonely. Ish, explain panjang-panjang ni mesti nak show off dia memasak ni kan ? Eh, mestilah. siapa yang teka macam tu tu ? pandainyeerrr.. hihi
Actually, I was craving for this sotong masak lemak cili padi when I browse the internet last night dan tak tahu macam mana boleh terlihat gambar sotong masak lemak yang sangat meruntun jiwa. At that time, I decided TAK KIRA APA, I WANT TO HAVE THIS DISH FOR MY LUNCH TOMORROW ! ha. berazam sangat kan. I even updated the fb status.

me bangun awal di hari minggu di mana malam sebelumnya tidur lambat is impossible.
girlfriend dear called me early in the morning. okay, not so early but it is still early for me. haha. apa cakap berbelit-belit neh :p not managed to pick up the phone kerana aku mamai. later, she texted me asked me to wake up and go to the market. haha.
waking up lazily, bersiap untuk ke tesco pada pukul 1 lebih. lepas tu kan.. sotong habis T_T padan muka, pergi lambat lagi. haha
hey, no. I'm not gonna giving up okay. on the way back home, I made a visit to econsave. and yeay, mr. squidwards were there ! yeay yeay.
telefon emak untuk meminta resepi. I already knew the recipe okay (taknak kalah tu :p) tapi I just want to double confirm with my mom, the greatest cook in the world. yelah, mak aku. mestilah aku puji. mak korang, koranglah puji. hehe.
akhirnya ini terhasil..

my first sotong masak lemak cili padi. sedap :D tapi nampak kasar sikit kuah dia sebab I takde blender. have to tumbuk okay. gagah kan.
lawan makan dengan sayur campur goreng.

yummy~ makanan seimbang dan sedap. haha. biarlah aku puji. aku yang penat masak. bluwek :p dan nescafe panas.
and I just received text message from fiance darling asked for a dinner together.
ohh, my sunday is perfect