Thursday, October 15, 2009

2 in the morning

It's 2 am for the God's sake, and yet I am staying up because my works are not done yet t_t

Being bored of numbers and graph, I played with my webcam. Haha. Memandangkan phone aku rosak buat kali yang kedua (syabas, dalam masa 3 bulan lepas aku hantar repair aje dah rosak balik), pastu asyik terlupa nak bawak camera kan.. Guna webcam je dah cukup.. Ini macam dah kali kedua je aku cerita yang phone aku rosak lagi sekali. Haha. Sayang, can I get a new phone for my birthday present this year? Thank you. HahaMy huggable Mr Opai make a peace sign to you all, my readers ^^

Aku kat sini makin busy dan busy dan busy.. Endless busyness.. Kerja nanti macam ni ke keadaan dia? Hmmmm.. I hope you guys have a good day too :)

Otak aku dah jammed sebenarnya ni. Dah blur, cannot thinking straight anymore.. Maybe I should get my sleep now or my mom won't recognize me when I go back home because of the obvious dark circle under my eyes.

Goodnite darlin'!

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