Wednesday, November 26, 2008

tag terpanjang di abad ini

hye korang!

memandangkan aku xde 3 hari ni

melayan la tag ni

tah hape2 pny tag zack u bagi aku ni

soklan kemain manyak..

seb bek aku away,

so mmg lah modal utk buat auto post diperlukan..


[01] Real name:

izzatul azma mohd asri

[02] Nickname:

izza, honey, atoya ;p

[03] Status:


[04] Zodiac Sign:

capri kot? hahaha..aku kurang amik taw la..hehe

[05] Gender:

perempuan melayu terakhir ;p

[6] Age:

22 tahun

[07] High School:

1.sekolah raja [p] taayah [form 1-4]

2.smk bukit merchu, kuala kangsar [form 5]

[08] College

kolej matrikulasi melaka ;p

sekarang kat UKM, kolej kediaman ade ar..hehe

[09] Height:

165 cm

[10] Weight:

err..dah lama tak timbang

last hari tu bape ye?


[11] Do you like yourself:

ye! kte mesti yakin dan cinta pada diri senirik..hiks!

[12] Piercings:

kat telinga je aku berani ;p

[13] Right or left:


[14] Are you a freak :


[15] Hair:

shoulder length

[16] Skin:


[17] Allergic:

kat ape ek..seafood kot, tp gagah gak mkn :D

[18] What are you doing now:

tengah didera oleh sepet..suh aku buat tag manyak2

[19] What will you doing 1 hour later:

jalan2 nengok blog owg

[20] What will you doing 10 years later:

32 tahun..hmm..buat ape yer?

tgh kira duit nak g shopping kot!


[21] Live with mother/father/parents/family:


[22] Siblings(included you):


[23] Eldest:

saye ialah seorang Yong!

[24] Youngest:

aliya gedik!

[25] Love/hate your family:

of course la love..isk3


[26] You found your another half:


[27] If yes, who is he/she:

dia la..dia tuuu..diaaa

[28]Who you want he/she to be:

jadi rumantik sikit boleh tak sayang?

[29] Time(s) you in relationship:

4 tahun..WOW! cam x cayo..kekeke

[30] Ever woo boy/girl:

saya innocent..hahaha

[31] Anyone woo you before:

sudah pastila..saya kan comel? [wadehel?]

[32] Did anything wrong to your other half:

mestilah.. manusia kan tak sempurna..ecehh ;p

[33] What was/were the wrong you had done:

hehe..saya seorang yang suka marah2 sampai beliau tension

[34] Ever argue with your other half:

tipunye la kalau tak

[35] You with your other half since:

kat matriks.. memuda dah gatai..kekee

[36] Are you straight/lesbo:


[37] Reasons you love your other half:

hmm..jenuh pk, xde reason la sayang..

[38] You and your other half in which stage:

tengah kumpul duit nak kawen

hahaa.. yeke?

[39] You woo he/she or he/she woo you:

cape ngowat cape ye sayang?

awk yang ngowat saya kan? kan??? ;p

[40] Ever think of marry he/she:

hehe..slalu je berangan!


[41] Your first best friend:

sape ye 1st bestfren..

tak ingat lah

[42] Your first enemy:

ade sorang yang aku benci sangat2

huhu.. tataw malu pny olang

[43] The friends you love the most:

kawan2 masa kat taayah

[44] The enemy you hate the most (1 only):

perempuan yang taktaw malu

yang ku kenal dari sekolah dulu

kalau lah aku xyah nak dgr pasal dia lagi

[45] Your most beautiful girl friend:

rusniza ramli

[46] Your most handsome boy friend:


ade ke bf ku yang jambu2?

kalau ade, dah tentu2 dia bukan bf, tp special bf ;p

[47] The kind of girl you hate the most:

perempuan yang tend to hurt other woman's feelings

[48] The kind of boy you hate the most:

penipu, menggatal, ske cari psl tak tentu pasal ;p

[49] You fall in love with your close friend before:


[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover:

hehe.. takleh2..

[51] If your friend backstabbing you:

sebab ade org backstabbing lah,

jadinya sekarang takkan ku senang2 nk percaya kwn lagi

[52] If your friend betray you:

mula2 sedih + geram

lama2..lantak ko lah!

[53] If your friend woo your lover:

berani? lempang ko seploh kali kang!

[54] If your friends fall in love with you:

hehe..aku suka ;p

[55] If you fall in love with your best friend:



[56] Are you a good student:

hehe..boleh mengaku ke?

[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments:

hehe.. mstlah buat

tapi dengan tahap yang pemalas nk mampos..isk

ape nak jadi ni?

[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most:

cikgu add math aku dlu..sape ke nama cikgu tu..


cikgu rosni (:

[59] Always late to school/college:


kan gg kan?

[60] Your class:

business study majoring account
[oh..ade citer bodoh di sini..
pompuan yang aku paling benci tu pegi
buat cerita kununnya aku tak layak untuk amik kos akaun,
that's why skrg aku amik bisnes study..pale otak ko la wey!
yang aku amik skrg ni akaun lah..yang ko tu pandai2 buat statement gtu,
ko kenal aku sgtkah? ko tu yg hegeh2 contact aku padahal aku x hingin
nak kwn ngan ko lagi..tolong la reti rasa malu sikit..boleh?]

[61] You love your seniors:

menyampah ade la..haha

[62] Senior who you love the most:


[63] Your classmates good/bad:

dua2 ade

[64] Excellent result classmate:

sape tah

[65] Laziest classmate:

hehe..sape ye?


[66] Smart people:


[67] Stupid people:

hahaha..zack u, tak pasal2 je org yg create tag ni kena..kekeke

[68] Good looking people:

hehe.. nak mengaku voley? [kedip2 mata]

[69] Ugly people:

tak baik woo kata org ugly

[70] Funny people:


[71] Cute people:

tataw, jawab tedy bear aku boleh x?

[72] Bad people:

ee..tak taw la..isk

[73] Honest people:


[74] Acting people:

weh zack u!! letih dah aku nak menjawab ni.. grr

[75] You are what kind of people:



[76] Lip or eyes:


[77] Hugs or kisses:


[78] Shorter or taller:


[79] Hesitant or spontaneous:


[80] Nice stomach or nice arms:

nice stomach

[81] Listener or talker:


[82] Romantic or rich:

dua2 nak..mana leh romantic tapi x rich

tapi kann..

klo terpaksa buat pilihan kannn..

rich! ;p


[83] Good husband or Good Father:



[84] Age to get marry:


[85] Numbers of kid(s):

takde plak aku berangan sampai ke situ

[86] Career:

duk umah goyang kaki pat duit, boleh sayang?

[87] Salary:

nak income bulan2 rm5000++

[88] Retirement age:

nak buat business lah..

keja senirik je

[89] Properties value:

eee..ko ni..bebukan je tny

malas aku nk pk, lagi manyak lagi bagus

[90] Wishes:

nak shopping puas2 tapi takyah risau xde duit ;D

gilo penat aku buat tag ni!!!!

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