Wah, orang Malaysia ni memang kaki Facebook lah korang ! Korang tau tak, orang Malaysia mempunyai jumlah kawan terbanyak secara puratanya di Facebook ! Dan juga, paling banyak menghabiskan masa di Facebook. Kui kui.
Apa korang takde kerja lain ke pagi petang siang malam dok ngadap Facebook ni weyyyyyy?
Eh, rileks rileks. Bawak bertenang dulu. Jangan marah sama aku. Hehe.
Dah alang-alang korang, ehemmmm.. KITA menghabiskan masa begitu saja kat Facebook tu, ada eloknya jugak kalau kita support DiGi Party For All ni.
They want to make a super duper large petition using our pictures to get Facebook to acknowledge Malaysia the Facebook capital of the world ! Lets support them !
Show your support by add your profile picture to the Movement gallery and allow the application. It will be a super duper huge petition that Facebook cannot ignore us !
Ha, lagi satu. If you are lucky enough, you can get 2 exclusive tickets to go to DiGi Live FB Party !!
Support the petition by clicking this sentence ;)
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Apa korang takde kerja lain ke pagi petang siang malam dok ngadap Facebook ni weyyyyyy?
Eh, rileks rileks. Bawak bertenang dulu. Jangan marah sama aku. Hehe.
Dah alang-alang korang, ehemmmm.. KITA menghabiskan masa begitu saja kat Facebook tu, ada eloknya jugak kalau kita support DiGi Party For All ni.
They want to make a super duper large petition using our pictures to get Facebook to acknowledge Malaysia the Facebook capital of the world ! Lets support them !
Show your support by add your profile picture to the Movement gallery and allow the application. It will be a super duper huge petition that Facebook cannot ignore us !
Ha, lagi satu. If you are lucky enough, you can get 2 exclusive tickets to go to DiGi Live FB Party !!
Support the petition by clicking this sentence ;)